Report on compliance with optimal and predictable deadlines for 2023
Pursuant to Article 16, paragraph 1 of the Rulebook on
Timeframes for Proceedings in Courts and Prosecutor's Offices in Bosnia and
Herzegovina (adopted at the session of the HJPC BiH held on 5th and
6th September 2012, amended text adopted on session of the HJPC BiH
held on 27th and 28th November 2013 and the amended text
adopted at the session of the HJPC BiH held on 18th and 19th
June 2014), the Cantonal Court in Livno issued Reports on compliance with
optimal and predictable deadlines in the current calendar year at the level of
this court.
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Prateći dokumenti
Annual report on predictable deadlines for 2023
Semi-annual report on predictable deadlines for 2023
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