Sanin BogunićInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. Prosecutor, Cantonal Prosecutor's Office of Sarajevo Canton; member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina; mandate: 9.2021-9.2025.
(LLM Sanin Bogunić, the prosecutor of the Cantonal Prosecutor's Office of the Canton of Sarajevo, replaced Berina Alihodžić, the prosecutor of the Cantonal Prosecutor's Office of KS, as a member of the HJPC of BiH, whose term as a member of the HJPC of BiH expired in September 2021)
Sanela Gorušanović-ButiganInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. Judge, Municipal Court in Sarajevo; I mandate: June 2020 - June 2024.; II mandate: August 2024 - August 2028. (Sanela Gorušanović-Butigan, judge of the Municipal Court in Sarajevo.)
Velimir NinkovićInformation was originally written in a language: Bos sudija, Viši privredni sud u Banja Luci; mandat 2.2025.-2.2029. (Velimir Ninković, sudija Višeg privrednog suda u Banja Luci, zamjenio je mr Srđana Forcu, sudiju Okružnog suda u Banjoj Luci, kojem je istekao mandat na mjesto člana VSTV-a BiH.)28.10.2020.
Saša SarajlićInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. Prosecutor, Federal Prosecutor's Office of FBiH; member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina; mandate: 7.2022.-7.2026. (Saša Sarajlić, the prosecutor of the Federal Prosecutor's Office of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, replaced Slava Lakić, the prosecutor of the Federal Prosecutor's Office of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a member of the HJPC of BiH, whose mandate as a member of the HJPC of BiH expired in July 2022.)
Željka FabićInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. Prosecutor, District Public Prosecutor's Office in Banja Luka; member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina; mandate: 04.2023-04.2027. (Željka Fabić, prosecutor of the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Banja Luka, replaced, as a member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Željka Radović, chief prosecutor of the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Doboj, who resigned as a member of the HJPC in April 2023 BiH.)
Izo TankićInformation was originally written in a language: Bos sudija, Sud Bosne i Hercegovine; mandat 02.2025.-02.2029. (Izo Tankić, sudija Suda Bosne i Hercegovine, zamjenio je Halila Lagumdžiju, sudiju Suda Bosne i Hercegovine, kojem je istekao mandat na mjesto člana VSTV-a BiH.)
Aleksandra ObradovićInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. Judge, Basic Court of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina; mandate 06.2021. - 06.2025. (Aleksandra Obradović, judge of the Basic Court of Brčko District of BiH, replaced Selim Karamehić, judge of the Basic Court of Brčko District of BiH, whose mandate as a member of the HJPC of BiH expired)
Džamna VranićInformation was originally written in a language: Bos vanredna profesorica, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Pravni fakultet; članica VSTV-a BiH; izabrana od Predstavničkog doma Parlamentarne skupštine BiH; mandat: 10.2024. – 10.2028. (prof. dr. Džamna Vranić zamijenila je Mr. Lejlu Hadžić, savjetnicu pri Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, kojoj je u oktobru 2024. godine istekao mandat na mjesto članice VSTV-a BiH.)
Ljiljana Bošnjak GlizijanInformation was originally written in a language: Bos sudija, Ljiljana Bošnjak-Glizijan, Vrhovni sud RS; član VSTV BiH; mandat 9.2023.-9.2027; (Ljiljana Bošnjak-Glizijan, sudija Vrhovnog suda RS, zamijenila je člana Vijeća Jadranku Stanišić kojoj je u septembru 2023. godine istekao mandat na mjest člana VSTV -a BiH.)
Duška BogojevićInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. lawyer, member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina; elected by the RS Bar Association; mandate 07.2023-07.2027. (Mr. Duška Bogojević, a lawyer from Banja Luka, was elected as a member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina in front of the Bar Association of the RS, instead of lawyer Jadranka Ivanović, whose mandate expired in June 2019. The Bar Association of the RS expressed confidence in lawyer Bogojević by re-electing her as a member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 2023.)
Davor MartinovićInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. lawyer, law firm Martinović and partners; member of the HJPC of BiH elected by the Council of Ministers of BiH; I mandate: 01.2021. – 01-2025; II mandate: 01.2025. – 01.2029. (Davor Martinović, Ph.D., replaced Monika Mijić, acting representative of the Council of Ministers of BiH before the European Court of Human Rights, head of the representative's office, whose mandate as a member of the HJPC of BiH expired in December 2020)
Sedin IdrizovićInformation was originally written in a language: Bos sudija, Vrhovni sud Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine; mandat 02.2025.-02.2029. (Sedin Idrizović, sudija Vrhovnog suda Federacije BiH, zamjenio je Mustafu Šabića, sudiju Vrhovnog suda Federacije BiH, kojem je istekao mandat na mjesto člana VSTV-a BiH.)
Elma Veledar ArifagićInformation was originally written in a language: Bos advokatica; članica VSTV-a BiH; izabrana od Advokatske komore FBiH; mandat: 01.2025. – 01.2029. (Za članicu VSTV-a BiH izbrana od strane Advokatske komore FBiH u oktobru 2024. godine; zamijenila je advokaticu Amilu Kunosić kojoj je istekao mandat na mjesto članice VSTV-a BiH u januaru 2025. godine.)11.01.2017.
Snježana PetkovićInformation was originally written in a language: Eng.
Information is also available in following languages: Bos, Hrv, Srp, Срп. prosecutor, Republic of Srpska Public Prosecutor's Office; member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina; mandate: September 2021 – September 2025 (Snežana Petković, prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Republika Srpska, replaced, as a member of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the chief prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the RS, Mahmut Švrak, whose mandate as a member of the HJPC of BiH expired)
Bojana JolovićInformation was originally written in a language: Bos Bojana Jolović, tužiteljica, Tužilaštvo BiH, članica VSTV-a BiH, mandat 11.2024.-11.2028. (Bojana Jolović, tužiteljica Tužilaštva BiH, zamijenila je, na mjestu članicu Vijeća, Biljanu Simeunović, tužiteljicu Tužilaštva BiH kojoj je mandat istekao u novembru 2024. godine)